Philanthropy Speaks
A podcast by the Community Foundation of Greater Flint, Philanthropy Speaks brings you candid conversations with leaders from the nonprofit sector and inspiring individuals who are making an impact in Flint and Genesee County, Michigan. Tune in as we explore the stories and initiatives driving positive change in our community.
Philanthropy Speaks
National Day of Racial Healing with Racial Healing Practitioners
In this episode of Philanthropy Speaks, we're observing the National Day of Racial Healing through a discussion with local racial healing practitioners. Host Sue Peters, Vice President of Community Impact at the Community Foundation of Greater Flint, is joined by Elizabeth Jordan, Patrick McNeal, and Regina Laurie.
Tune in to discover how these community members conduct racial healing circles and visioning sessions throughout Flint and Genesee County—and the insights, lessons, and perspectives they’ve gathered along the way.
Learn more about the Community Foundation of Greater Flint and Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation work, at cfgf.org/trht. To learn about the National Day of Racial Healing, visit dayofracialhealing.org.